Dear Isaac
Watching you grow and develop over the past two years has filled my heart with endless joy, pride and happiness.
Even though your life is just beginning you've already been on such an incredible journey. You have transformed from a helpless baby to a walking, talking little person and although it seems to have happened in the blink of an eye, I have cherished every moment along the way. From your first heart-breaking smile, to the precious moment you took those first steps, you have never failed to make me proud to be your mum. We've already shared so many incredible 'first' experiences together and I try to bottle every memory while trying to capture as many valuable moments on film or camera so I can relive them time and time again and share them with the wider world. I look forward to continuing to be your guide on a journey that will help you fulfil all your dreams, goals and ambitions, however big or small.
You are already becoming someone I am so proud to call my son. You are bright, funny, thoughtful, loving and inquisitive. Your growing brain is like a sponge absorbing everything around you on a daily basis and working out how to apply it to your own little world. I love watching you explore, discover and create and make sense of the world around you.
You make me laugh with your idiosyncratic ways, your love of hoovering, your passion for gardening and your dance moves.
You certainly know how to challenge my patience at times but the love and affection you show for me is truly heart-warming and helps makes the early starts, temper tantrums and battles over dinner-time all worthwhile. When I'm tucking you in at night and you say the words 'love you mummy' it makes my heart melt and makes me relish the moment you wake in the morning, call for me and beam at the very sight of my face as I enter your room.
You are my little companion and I cherish our precious time together knowing at the back of my mind that one day you'll no longer need me to take care of you. Even now your independence is growing by the day and your desire to do things for yourself makes me so proud. At times I wish I could bottle your naivety, innocence and youth but I know I can't stop the inevitable, so for now I promise to shower you with cuddles and kisses, read endless stories to you at bedtime, chase you round the house until you're exhausted, tickle you until you can't take anymore, watch Finding Nemo countless number of times times, help you build Lego towers and always be there to comfort you when you need me..
You are the apple of my eye and my life would be empty without you.
Stay my caring, affectionate, sweet little mummy's boy forever xxx
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